Purpose of a Foot Detox
Anyone who would like to improve their overall health and well being may stand
to benefit from detoxification. A detox foot spa session consists of the
client soaking their feet in the ionic spa for approximately 30 minutes while
ionization takes place effectively and safely stimulating the body's own
natural detoxification.
How Ionic Foot Spas Work
An ion foot spa operates on the principles of electrochemistry. Modern science
is still learning just how the human body works on a cellular level but
it is understood that cells react, generate energy, and function, all on
electrochemical level.
The Ion Balance foot spa produces positive and negative ions in the foot
bath water. For decades scientists have studied the positive benefits of
the amount of negative ions in a living organism's environment. Studies
have shown that increasing negative ions produces stronger growth in plants,
negative symptoms in humans and leaves people with an overall increased
sense of well being.
Our toxic modern environment is generally deficient of beneficial negative
ions (An ion is a charged particle that forms when an atom gains or loses
an electron). Chemical pollution as well as EMF (electromagnetic frequency)
have been stripping our environment of positive energy. This greatly contributes
to our bodies being out of balance. We can restore balance by increasing
the amount of negative ions in our environment.
An ionic foot spa produces a low current, low voltage signal and sends it through
the array submerged in the foot bath water. The current in the array creates
ionization through a process known as electrolysis.
Electrolysis breaks down the H2O (water) molecule and produces a negative hydrogen
ion (H-). These negative ions are then absorbed through the feet by osmosis.
The foot serves as an excellent conduit for the whole body. The principles
of reflexology outline how the feet are connected to all the vital organ systems
and natural detoxification pathways.
Toxins that are stored in the body often fall into the bio molecule species
of free radicals. A free radical is a molecule that has lost an electron making
them extremely unstable and reactive. Free radicals can be extremely dangerous
to biological systems because they rupture bonds in cells' bio molecules. If
a free radical reacts with a bio molecule, it typically steals an electron
from an atom and leaves the bio molecule missing an electron, thereby becoming
a new free radical. That creates a chain reaction that proliferates free radicals,
rupturing chromosomes and cell membranes. Recent studies suggest that several
disease states including certain forms of cancer, may be attributable to free
Once the negative hydrogen ions are introduced to the body, they essentially
act as an antioxidant. Antioxidants, like Vitamin C, lose electrons easily.
It is this process that neutralizes free radicals. Negative hydrogen ions act
as supercharged free radical scavengers. Once a free radical is neutralized,
the body's natural detoxification process can easily eliminate it.
Apart from the biochemical science, ion foot spas should be viewed as energy
medicine. As stated previously, the human body functions energetically. This
energy can be so subtle that while there are modern scientific methods of "seeing" or
measuring this energy, it remains mostly theories which describe its function
or effects on a persons health and wellbeing. If you are interested in learning
more about energy medicine I suggest searching for information on energy medicine,
chi, yoga, meditation, reiki, and quantum physics.
The ultimate goal of an ionic foot spa is too stimulate the body's own natural
detoxification systems and create a positive cellular environment that will
assist the body in detoxifying naturally.
©2013 Transformational BodyWork, LLC