BioScanSRT Questions & Answers |
Understand that we are not “treating” anything, nor are we “curing” anything. We are, however, identifying and eliminating potential “stressors” with our technology. A treatment is more aptly referred to as a clearing or neutralization, a “re-programing” of sorts. In the course of testing and subsequent “clearings” there will probably be various items and substances come up that you have never heard of. The database contains literally one hundred sixty thousand substance frequencies, and many of these influence us and affect us every day. Over 30 years of research and clinical experience have led to the development of the technology behind the NRG Immune Enhancement System. It was designed to help balance the immune system and its unique relationship to the nervous system by re-training the way the body reacts to the physical and energetic world around us. It uses a combination of resonance frequencies, biofeedback, acupuncture points and homeopathy to assist the body so that energetic stress produces minimal symptoms. It is not looking for exactly the same thing as traditional allergy tests, and though there will probably be similarities, there will also be some apparent discrepancies. There will usually be many additional findings in our method of testing due to the fact that the NRG System tests for many more sources of stress than other more traditional tests do. |
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM The immune system is really a work of art. A healthy immune system is absolutely vital as it deals with millions of bacteria and viruses every day in order to keep us feeling good. As our body comes into contact with millions of substances each and every day – some good and some bad, our immune system has to determine which substances are harmless, and which ones pose a threat. However, if your immune system is not functioning correctly, it may attack your own body as if it were the enemy, resulting in a number of symptoms that can lead to illness. For example, allergies are simply an “over-reaction” to an otherwise harmless substance, such as pollen or milk. As a result, the body assumes a defensive stance in the form of symptoms (sneezing, congestion, wheezing or coughing, etc.) as a means to rid the body of the perceived enemy invasion. This can potentially overload your immune system to the point that it may not react accordingly to a real threat which can lead to more serious infections and disease. Overexposure to too many stressors can lead to allergies and sensitivities, lack of energy, lack of focus, sleeplessness, sinus conditions, and digestive issues, just to name a few.
The American Medical Association tells us that 80-85% of all human illness and disease is a result of stress. Emotional, psychological and physical stressors, and even spiritual stressors can greatly aggravate allergic symptoms according to many medical research studies. Hans Selye, a major stress researcher in 1936, discovered a link between stress and disease. He labeled this phenomenon the General Adaptation Syndrome, or G.A.S. Very simply explained, G.A.S. occurs this way: When the body is put under stress it causes a state of alarm. During this stage the body releases adrenaline and cortisol in an attempt to deal with the specific stress. If the stress is allowed to persist, a person goes into the second stage referred to as the resistance stage. At this point it becomes necessary for the body to develop a means to cope with the stress. The body can only cope so long, and if the stress is not eliminated it can lead to fatigue and what is referred to as the exhaustion stage. The body’s resources can become depleted and the result can manifest itself in the form of illness such as allergies, depression, diabetes, and many other conditions. Researchers are now finding that hormones and brain chemicals released into the bloodstream in response to stress regulate allergic disorders like hay fever, eczema and asthma. Other research supports the idea that psychological interventions aimed to reduce stress and modify mood states influence asthma expression. There is mounting evidence that when a person is exposed to a specific substance during a period of high stress, the nervous system may form a CAUSE AND EFFECT association between the substance and the stress. Future exposures to the substance results in a reaction designed to eliminate the substance from the body and stop the stressful event from recurring. It is the goal of B.I.E. is to break this negative association. A true allergic response is an immune system function. In order for your immune system to respond to a specific invader it has to be able to detect it. Molecules of substances have to be of a certain size in order to be detected by your immune system. For instance, table salt and certain vitamins are not BIG enough to even be noticed by your immune system. This is why traditional allergists will say you can’t be “allergic” to these types of things. However, your brain and nervous system are constantly monitoring EVERYTHING that goes on around you and how these things affect your body’s function. When the nervous system is under stress, many times there will be a negative association with a specific stressor, for instance dog dander, pollens or even certain foods. This negative association can present itself very much like an allergic reaction and if it can be broken then the symptoms that are caused by the reaction can be eliminated or at least reduced. Typical allergic reactions (by the immune system alone) and the nervous system reactions described above can be alleviated by B.I.E. |
WHAT WE DO Simply put, here is what is happening: Allergies are basically mistakes. A misfire. For whatever reason (see CAUSE AND EFFECT above), the immune system is trying to protect you from something that should be harmless. This produces typical symptoms associated with allergies. In time this can cause you to become more susceptible to illness, as you are constantly depleting your immune system by waging an unnecessary war, or if you are medicating the condition, you are shutting down a part of your immune system which can lead to further complications. Every substance in our universe emits a frequency. This includes light, physical matter, body systems, and even emotional states. These frequencies are like our fingerprints. Just like our fingerprints are unique to each of us the frequency a substance emits is unique to it. We utilize these frequencies (instead of the substances themselves) to test our patients. This means no severe reactions and no trips to the E.R. Much like a lie detector test, we measure your responses to these frequencies and the computer records your particular findings. Once we figure out what it is that you are reactive to, or what your body sees as a source of stress, we simply re-train your body to not over-react to these substances anymore. We neutralize the negative association and replace it with a positive association. This is done using a hand held cold laser. The laser acts as a carrier for the offending frequencies. We apply the laser to specific acupuncture points associated with allergy relief. These points are located along the spine and on the hands, arms and feet. Stimulation of acupuncture points has been proven to increase
the body’s production of natural pain killers such as endorphins
and enkephalins, which when secreted in the presence of the offending
substances reverses the negative association into a normal, positive
association (positive re-conditioning). |
©2013 Transformational BodyWork, LLC